Smart minds for Tough projects!
Success of any project depends upon how best the activities are managed from conception till completion. There are various steps which add to in overall completion of the project viz. timely decision, timely approval of design, & drawings and financial management.
Foundation construction for any large bridge takes time. Problems encountered during construction of foundation depend upon type of foundation, soil strata encountered, equipment/plant deployed and logistic problems. Construction difficulties anticipated during the execution be kept in view while planning the works/ period for the job. Foundation can be opened foundation, pile foundation, well foundation or any other types of foundation. In case of well foundation, the various type of soil are encountered and it becomes difficult to give any clear time schedule about the sinking of wells unless the soil details are very clear and the anticipated profile matched with the actual encountered. Review of soil parameter if required be given more attention and wherever required the details may be referred to material testing laboratory but within the time schedule.